The Institute offers three levels of memberships which include various benefits and priveledges. These are described in the Membership Criteria section.
Membership fees help to support the Institute’s programs, maintain its web page, advertise its services and programs, organize conferences and disseminate research findings.
To apply for membership, please send a completed Application Form and the required fee to the address indicated on the form.
The Executive of the Institute for Self-in-Relationship Psychotherapy reserves the right to grant or to withhold membership to applicants.
Membership Criteria
The Institute for Self-in-Relationship Psychotherapy offers three levels of membership. The benefits and privileges of being a member are indicated.
Levels of Membership
The three levels of membership offered by the Institute for Self-in-Relationship Psychotherapy are: Full Member, Associate Member, and Student Member. Membership is for a calendar year.
Membership fees are determined by the Executive of Institute. Requirements and fees for the 2016 calendar year are as follows:
Full Member:
Requirements for Full Membership are a graduate degree in psychology, psychotherapy, counselling or its equivalent and completion of Training in Object Relations Therapy and Self Psychology Program (Units I – III, inclusive). Fee: $100.00
Associate Member:
Requirements for Associate Membership are a graduate degree in psychology, psychotherapy, counselling or its equivalent. Fee: $75.00.
Student Membership:
Requirement for Student Membership is registration as a full time student in a graduate program in psychology, psychotherapy or counselling. Fee: $50.00.
Membership Benefits and Privileges
All members are notified of annual meetings and receive information on training offered by the institute e.g. professional workshops and lectures, conferences, etc., and are eligible for reduced fees at SIRP sponsored events. Only Full Members are eligible for certification as Self-in-Relationship Psychotherapy and Supervisor, eligible for nomination to the Board of Directors and to vote at the annual business meeting.
The Executive of the Institute for Self-in-Relationship Psychotherapy reserves the right to grant or to withhold membership to applicants.